Monday, May 01, 2006

Honey Chicken with Sesame Seed

This is one of the dish I made the other day when I feel like cooking for dinner. If you are interested, pls feel free to take down the menu and comment:-

2-pcs de-boned drumstick
3-tblspoon of honey
a pinch of pepper and salt
a dash of dark soy sauce
some egg white
some kfc powder
toasted sesame seed

Dipping: Some sour cream with chilli sauce

First, marinate the chicken with the pepper and salt and dark soy sauce and honey. Remember to use a fork to pook the chicken all over so that the taste can be absorb. Then heat the wok with some sunflower oil (for health purposes). Dip the marinated chicken into the egg white and then the kfc powder and then repeat the egg white process until the chicken with fully coated with the kfc powder. Put in the chicken and turn the heat to low heat cos you dont want to burn the chicken. (Marinated with honey so they get burnt easily) Once the chicken turned golden brown (mine turned brown completely cos too much dark soy sauce !!!). Put it straight onto a plate full of the toasted sesame seed and start turning while the chicken is still hot so that the sesame seed sticks to the chicken. Once done, take 2-tblspoon of sour cream (or mayo) mix with some lemon juice and chili sauce. Viola.... serve hot.

** I am making the same thing today but with fish................ ngek ngek ngek...


Anonymous said...

wahh.....yum yum...very pandai huh, one day chicken one day fish next day pork kekeke

Anonymous said...

Yummy yummy, says my tummy. haha! I will try.