Thursday, March 23, 2006

Will you chat?

Will you chat with someone whom you do not know online? Well, this is what happened to me this morning. Someone actually msn-ed me yesterday wanting to chat but I didn't know who was it and was busy so I didnt replied.

So this morning I saw this person online and he acutally buzzed me. I answered and asked who he is.... then he started chattin away and said I forgot about him and bla bla bla... then I ask him if he really know who is he chatting with he confidently replied yes.... he said he will sms me to show that he is not kidding.... Waited but nothing came to my phone so he also realised something wrong.... so he apologised. "Wrong person - lol"

Anyway, I chatted away with him and he seemed to be a very nice guy. And he is from Singapore.... hmmm. Well, its always nice to chat with someone from another place (ok its just Singapore, not planet Mars........... I get it!)

So chatted for about 10 mins with intervals here and there... and I have to end it. Cos got tonnes to do........... Same now, back to work. Counting down to 6pm today... going to the Park with Oscar........... Pls dont rain ah.... TQ


Anonymous said...

chatting and blogging is like my main job in office... LOL!

Anonymous said...

Depends on the conversation. Sometimes got those weirdos online asking to chat, and that I'll avoid.

Anonymous said...

yes, I have spoken to someone from India before but I avoid chatting much with strangers. It just ended after 2 conversation.

Oscar goes to park park too?