Sunday, August 13, 2006

Do you spend enough time with yr kids?

I was thrown this question when I chatted over the phone with one of my best friend... She has a son and she works 9 - 5 and she does a master programme after work in town... She complains to me that she has no time for her son and she feels very guilty about it. I told her to stop studying cos she has to sacrifice for her son but she woke me up... she said we must always up-keep our selves with knowledge, whether we use it or not is another issue. No harm earning ourself another recognition or 'sand paper'... My friend is going through all this studying is because she said in her office, she will have no chance in promotion already cos if the company promote her it is either to the boss level or promote her as partner of the company. So she wanted a raise in her salary cos she and her hubby just bought another property... therefore, she will use this to tell her boss that now she is capable of handling the company's overall accounts... asking for pay increase wor.... Then back to the earlier issue... no time for her son.. cos one will lead to another, study now, later increase in salary, then more responsiblities, then where do you find time??

I wanted to take up a part time course early last year cos hubby took back alot of info from one college.. well, people like me no chance to study till Masters or Honours or etc, so must try to find time to take up part time course lor... Then work load in office begun to take the all the energy out of me and Oscar needed more attention. Everyday after work, I will rush over to mom's place to fetch Oscar. Then the usual ooking, washing up and occasionally I will help hubby with his work... so where do I find time for part time study?

Now that I have more control in my time, I was mentioning it to my friend that I intend to study too. Maybe a short course say for 18 months and see how it goes... Who knows, I might earn myself a nother 'sand paper' hehe... but what about Oscar, will I find time for him anymore? I dont want to miss out on his growing up stage now cos I know I will never be able to rewind time and enjoy them again..... Ok, this is taking too much of my energy, time for a KIT KAT!


Anonymous said...

Its always Mommies that gotto sacrifice. Like me, i can't start my biz cos i wanted to have more time for Jayden. Tats y i'm stuck here in tis current job. But for men..they canjust go and do whatever they wan...not fair hor?

IMMomsDaughter said...

WOW! I admire your ambition in pursuing your studies.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy.. if the kid is still young, I'll concentrate on them first and then only think about advancing myself.

I mean foundation is very important for them.. and the first few years are vital.

Oscar's Mommy said...

sasha: yeap, sacrifice ma..
immomsdaughter: must advance ourself ma..
zmm: yes,i know kids needs more attention that is why i kept quiet about my studying plans..

Anonymous said...

i think spending with our lil precious is much more vital than studying at this time. I was in part time biz when i was preggy with Faythe. After deliver, I thought could go back to it, but whenever I spend time on the part time job, I feel bad that I'm missing every moment of Faythe's development. So in the end, I told my partners, I'll just be sleeping partner.

but good lah u still want to study. I'm so lazy and not motivated, esp when i hear the word exam!!

Anonymous said...

Actually I feel guilty too for not spending enough time with bb.

Sometimes I am just too engross with my beading and leave him to the mate. *guilty me*

Anonymous said...

If you can balance your time, why not just give yourself a try!

Anonymous said...

Kit Kats are good and I eat them always. :D

Study? Well, yes it's good for the ego and brain. But seriously do you really want to study or is it peer pressure because everybody else is `studying' and getting smarter. At one point I wanted to study but never got to it. Than the kids came and that's history. I thought about it recently, again I checked my age too and found that I am not that young anymore. A course will take at least 3-4 years which will make me approx 40 if I ever get to finish it. Than what I am going to do with the `sand paper' at the age of 40. I am old and fresh in the line and who on earth wants to employ me? Unless of course you are looking at Masters, or some certification..that's another story and if only it helps in your promotion and career. I only would agree that one should study if she intends to be a career woman. Otherwise it's just a waste of effort coz in the end you have to make a sacrifice - your family or your career. The choice is yours. My 2 cents worth of thoughts.