Sunday, November 05, 2006

Hot Cross Buns...

"Hot Cross Buns, hot cross buns
One a penny, two a penny hot cross buns"
Yeap, I bought these buns for Oscar so that he can eat it a mom's place for snack.
*Choco Mexican Bun & Chic Floss Bun
I like to go to this bakery near my mom's place (Bee's) to get buns. So, when we stepped into the bakery, Oscar was already asking me to get him his raisin buns... but, when he saw the Mexican Bun, he started singing! Yes, he started singing in LOUD the Hot Cross Buns song! Sang once and repeat again loudly. I had to get one for him to calm him down! Oscar labelled the Mexican Bun as the hot cross buns because in his fav carton, The Wheels on the Bus, one of the cartoon actually sang the song and helf one bun that looks very similar to the M.Bun, just with the cross!

The people in the shop all laughed and I have to say, I am very proud of Oscar... he is very cute.. until the cashier have to give him some cake to eat...


LHS said...

Cake that FOC, wow, his cute look deserved it!

piggyhooooo said...

wahh..yummm..*hungry* orediii