Saturday, November 04, 2006

Jalan Jalan Cari Makan (Round 2)

Yes! Amazing as it is, it has been 1-week since we met with our blogger friends. Wow, time really flies.... And, thankfully, LaundryAmah, suggested we meet our blogger friends o-gain (cos Saturday I will usually rot at home, hubby got Badminton game). But, unfortunately, due to short notice, we only managed to gather Annie. Despite of the shortest notice of this gathering, we managed to gather Annie and her hubby and also got to know a yummy place to have dinner... Look at what we had till we flip!

We had steamboat, but not some 'calang-calang' steamboat; its PORRIDGE STEAMBOAT! This is the first time I hear and ate this kind of unique and yummi-li-cious steamboat. How you eat it? You just 'chuck' all the stuff into the hot pot of porridge... wait till it goes 'brup-brup' (boil-la) then .... DIG IN! We dig in even before it boils... so hungry la... then, I noticed they served Chinese Tea in this "chi sar char woo*.. very unique. We only use this kind of tea pot at home but in restaurant, this is the first time.

LaundryAmah brought both her wonderful kids along and also LaundryApah. OMG.. Kylie was a little bit hyper (too much zzz wor Amah said). Luckily, Amah brought her maid along so Kylie was manageble. Annie was clever this time, she left Lil Fearless & Cruz at home with the maid... hehe can 'jiak' in peace! I brought my Oscar and also, after me giving 'terra' warning at home, he behaved himself throughout (except for the last 15 mins, running ard like a wild stallion in the restaurant). And, I was very surprised that Annie's hubby is so chatty and friendly. Well, usually we woman will be the one talking and yakking non-stop but, Annie's hubbs was really max yakking and very humourous! Made me and Amah laughing and gave my stomach stiches!

Waliow, this meal was superb cos we all left with a full stomach... and satisfied. Most of all, we had really good company.... Really looking forward to our next gathering.. Hopefully we will be able to gather more bloggers.... (Pssstt, dont ask me for the address of this restaurant ok, cos I only know how to go... but address 'tarak'... Its somewhere in Taman Minang, Cheras)


Oscar's Mommy said...

a&a mom: come to kl more often la, then we can go kai kai and makan makan together gether... ngek ngek ngek!

Annie Q said...

wow!This time u real fast hor,post the "jalan jalan cari makan" already!Anyway,thanks for the treat!And nice to meet up with u & Oscar,and Laundry Amah & Laundry Apah & Kieran & Kylie!!Thanks once again for the yummy-li-cious dinner!

LHS said...

Wow, porridge steamboat, sure very yummy LOL!

How i wish i were there to meet you ALL!

Oscar's Mommy said...

annie: dont mention, hope to meet up with you and yr family again next time.
huisia: yes, very very yummy! hehe, do let us know when you rtn, we'll be delighted to be yr host.

laundryamah said...

yummy yummy well worth the jam and journey..but my Kylie really cannot bring her out anymore!

IMMomsDaughter said...

If I bring my Mei Mei out, oso like LaundryAmah's Kylielah :( I noticed got pork oso, you can tahan to eat meh?

Tracy said...

Wuah! The porridge steamboat looks different from what I had and looks so delicious. Aiyo, must try next time.