Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Oscar says the Darnest Things

Yes, my Oscar says the darnest things! The below are some of it which I dont know whether to laugh or cry or scold!

Scene 1: Me and Oscar have to take a shower together cos need to go somewhere urgently.
Oscar: (pointing at my er... 18SX part) Why not same wan with Oscar mommy?
Me: (Blur ledi) Er, cos I am MOMMY and you are OSCAR lor... so not same wan.
Oscar: (Giggled giggled) He he... so funny wan...

Scene 2: Me and Oscar in the lift full of people
Oscar: (Making a funny face) Mommy, Oscar 'puut' (Farted) so smelly.... (giggled giggled loudly)

Scene 3: Me cleaning Oscar's toys
Oscar: Mommy, why you play with my toys?
Me: I am cleaning it for you.
Oscar: No, you are playing my toys... dont play, you didnt ask me...
Me: I am not playing, just cleaning
Oscar: Mommy, dont play ok. Dont make Oscar angry ok...
Me: @#$%^&%

Scene 4: In Toys R Us one day..
Oscar: Mommy, I want to buy that toy car
Me: Dont want la, the other day papa buy one for you already.
Oscar: Not same wan, I want I want...
Me: You got money or not?
Oscar: Got (put his hand into his pants pocket and pulled out a parking receipt)... Neh, this is 'Sap Kau' (RM10)
Me: *** Fainted in the shop ***


Mommy to Chumsy said...

LOL...what a clever boy :D So cute too.

IMMomsDaughter said...

Ha ha..very cute & funnylah the way Oscar converse with you :)

jazzmint said...

haha so cute :P.....i like the part he say he will get angry LOL

Allyfeel said...

Hahaha...Oscar is so cute. I bet you really can't get angry with the innocent one. :)

LHS said...

He is so cute. Sometimes i get pengsan too when i heard Jo's retortion.

laundryamah said...

so cute la Oscar..i can imagine his face while he said those things!

Annie Q said...

cute cute Oscar!Aunty *muak muak* u!

Tracy said...

Hahaha, u'll never know what these kids of today will say and what they have in mind.

Oscar is a real mischievous 'monkey'. Can imagine how his expressions was when he said 'so funny wan' and Oscar 'puut'. Hahahahaha.

My girl still doesn't know what 'sap kau' is only dat she knows dat she cannot buy ice-cream with the coins I give her. She'll always ask for the RM. kekekekeke.

Sasha Tan said...

OMG he's just so cute!!!!*pinch cheeks*

mommy of 3 angels said...

such a cutie pie...and his languague skill no. 1!