Saturday, September 23, 2006

My Weekend...

Sigh.... just sat down to take a break. A quick run down on my morning till now..

10.ooam: Woke up (aiya.. I slept late ma...)
10.15am: Oscar woke up and I prepare him breakfast (I made toast bread, sausages, eggs and some fries cos Oscar said he wanted it... and orange juice..)
11.30am: Read some magazine and put in the laundry into the machine.
11.50am: Sweep the floor, mop the floor, wipe cabinets and wash toilet (I am like the maid!!!)
12.30am: Bath Oscar and let him have his vitamins... (juice again cos he wanted some again!)
1.10pm: Took some meat out to get ready for dinner......
1.30pm: Realised that I am having dinner with LaundryAmah and family... took the meat and put back into freezer
1.45pm: Hang washed laundry out and prepare for another load...
1.55pm: Sat down in front of the laptop to type this post......

Sigh x 10000000000........ my boring life.... as a wife, mommy, daughter and maid! All lumped into one.... What do you do on weekends.... Looking forward to dinner with LaundryAmah. Better go shower now and do some ironing.... then nap nap a little while...


mom2ashley said...

perhaps you should get a part-time maid to do your household chores?

shoppingmum said...

Me too, I'm more like a full time babysitter during the weekend. Wanna go out but it's too crowded at shopping malls and hard to find car park. Go to park but very full of kids. So, mostly just stay at home and order pizza...Boring leh...

Oscar's Mommy said...

mom2ashley: yes, i badly need one. sourcing around now. any reccommendations?
shoppingmum: ya lor, everywhere so jam and packed with ppl. now with the snatch thief horror stories, it really deters me fr going out too.

jazzmint said...

same same..I'm always so looking fwd to weekend, but when it comes I'm like more tired that weekdays...aiyoo

IMMomsDaughter said...

I'm babysitter full time on Saturday & part time on Sunday as the Big Kid is in on Sun. Then, its house chores like ironing, drying the laundry, folding the clothings, etc. Maximum tired compared to working in office :P

milkmaid said...
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