My Mini Conversation with Oscar (lost count on the number already)
Haha, yes, mommy is getting old Oscar, so mommy actually lost count on the number of these little conversation I had with you.
Last week when mommy went to fetch you from school:
Mommy: Hi Oscar. How was school today?
Oscar: Ok fine thang q.
Mommy: What did you had for your snack today?
Oscar: Hmmm.... soup soup.
Mommy: What soup? Mihun soup?
Oscar: No No, Mr Bean Soup.
* Now, can you readers out there guessed what type of soup Oscar had in school? Yes, he had Red Bean Soup... Not Mr Bean Soup....
This evening before you go to bed
Oscar: Mommy carry you (me)
Mommy: Mommy busy with work la... wait ah.
Oscar: Cannot wait... carry you (me) now.
Mommy: Why so manja one...
Oscar: B'cos my eyes cannot open and my leg cannot walk... I so tired... carry you(me) to bed peeas....(please)
** I Love You Oscar **